The Four Major Types of Aluminum Rails You Can Have in Your Home

The Four Major Types of Aluminum Rails You Can Have in Your Home

There are many reasons to use aluminum railing. It is strong, durable, and low maintenance. Additionally, it is easy to install and can be used in various settings. This blog post outlines some of the The Four Major Types of Aluminum Rails You Can Have in Your Home.

Porch Railing

They can be either freestanding or attached to your porch. Aluminum porch railings are a great option because they are low-maintenance and will not rot or rust. When choosing a railing for your porch, be sure to consider the height of your porch and the design of your home.

Stair Railing

If you have stairs leading up to your deck or porch, you will need a stair railing. Stair railings are higher than porch railings required by most building codes. Aluminum stair railings are a great option because they offer strength and durability without being too heavy.


A guardrail is a railing installed around the perimeter of a deck or porch. Most building codes require guardrails for decks and porches more than 30 inches off the ground. Aluminum guardrails are a great option because they offer strength and durability at a cost-effective price point.

Deck Railing

They can be either freestanding or attached to your deck. Aluminum deck railings are a great option because they offer strength and durability without being too heavy. When choosing railings for your deck, be sure to consider the height of your deck and the size of your home for ease of install and proper fit.

Where Can You Get The Four Major Types of Aluminum Rails You Can Have in Your Home

Mulholland Brand is one of the top aluminum railing manufacturers. They offer a variety of railing types that will meet your needs. Contact them or visit today to learn more about available products and services!

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